A-ADM = Always-available design mentor
landscape photograph of body of water

A-ADM = Always-available design mentor

Can AI assistants Be Your New Design “A-ADM” * ?

Question marks & Insights from and with 2024 Industry Expert Jacob Nielsen

“A-ADM”, yet another dull acronym for cruising these new waters?


Imagine having a UX design A-ADM (a Always-available design mentor) who’s always available to brainstorm, critique your work, and keep you informed on the latest UX trends. Sounds pretty cool, right? Well, with the rise of AI assistants for UX design, this scenario is becoming increasingly possible for every designer and needs a critical fore-thought (or re-framing).

Above: My dream map of a holistic AI UX design mentorship space and tooling. AI design assistants (tools) will infer each other in many directions and will support collaboration with human mentors, in order to develop an ethical and beneficiary Human-AI Partnership.

As a UX designer, and visual artist, with 40 years of reasonably healthy design life-work expectancy, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the rise and fall tempo of UX design methods firsthand and regularly.

And while I believe new AI assistants may offer already exciting possibilities as design tools and agents, they shouldn’t be seen as a replacement for human mentors or your own creative spark.

Let’s delve deeper into this topic and explore how AI can empower UX professionals like ourselves.

AI’s Potential in the Design Arena:

Kinokast, the website I founded, champions the idea of human-centered design, with the belief that technology should always complement and enhance our innate human capabilities.

In line with this philosophy, AI assistants can be incredibly valuable tools for UX professionals in several ways:

  • Feedback on the fly: Stuck on a design decision? AI assistants can analyze your work and provide usability suggestions, layout improvements, and even identify potential accessibility issues. Think of it as having an instant design critic by your side, helping you refine your ideas and iterate faster.
  • Trendspotting extraordinaire: Keeping up with the ever-evolving UX landscape can be daunting. AI assistants can serve as your personal trend curator, scouring the web for the latest research, best practices, and industry insights. No more FOMO (fear of missing out) on the latest design trends!
  • Idea generation machine: Feeling creatively drained? AI can help you overcome creative blocks by generating a pool of design ideas based on your input and established design principles. Remember, it’s not about blindly adopting these suggestions, but using them as springboards to spark your own unique solutions.
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© Prosper Jerominus 2023 – CC BY-NC 4.0

A World of Creative Caution:

As much as I’m excited about the potential of AI, it’s crucial to remember its limitations and pretensions:

  • Imperfect and evolving: AI assistants are still under development, and their outputs can sometimes be inaccurate or misleading. Always approach their suggestions with a critical eye and your own design expertise.
  • Creativity can’t be replicated: While AI can help generate ideas, they reamin yours, good or bad. It cannot replace the dullness, spark or genius of human creativity. Don’t rely solely on AI for truly original concepts; tap into your own imagination and design thinking skills.
  • Empathy gap: Human connection and understanding are irreplaceable elements of UX design. AI assistants, despite their advancements in reading and replicating tons of words, cannot provide the single emotional intelligence and empathy that human mentors or user testing can offer.

Developing the Human-AI Partnership:

So, how can you, as a UX designer, leverage the power of AI assistants while staying true to the human-centered design approach? Here are some practical tips:

  • Seek diverse perspectives: Use AI feedback as a starting point, but don’t neglect the invaluable insights from human mentors, user testing, and collaborative brainstorming sessions.
  • Maintain a critical eye: Don’t blindly accept AI suggestions. Analyze them through the lens of your design expertise, user needs, and project goals.
  • Fuel your own creativity: Use AI-generated ideas as stepping stones to spark your own creative thinking. Remember, the human touch is what makes your designs truly unique and impactful.

Industry Insights Align:

My perspective on the human-AI collaboration in UX design resonates with industry experts like Jakob Nielsen, a renowned – and co-father with Don Norman of what we call user experience design and usability. In his fresh new article “AI Can (and Cannot) Do UX,” he emphasizes that while AI can automate some tasks and provide valuable data analysis, it cannot replace the human ability to make design decisions based on empathy, experience, and ethical considerations. [1]

Develop the Future, Together:

The emergence of AI assistants marks a new chapter in the ever-evolving world of UX design. By embracing these tools strategically, while staying grounded in human-centered principles and our own creative potential, we can unlock exciting possibilities and propel the UX field forward, together.

Let’s continue the conversation! Share your thoughts and experiences with AI assistants in UX design in the comments below. What are your concerns, hopes, and predictions for the future of this dynamic partnership?


Key takeaways from Jakob Nielsen’s article, referenced with a [1]
Nielsen, J. Jakob Nielsen (1 Feb 2024): AI Can (and Cannot) Do UX.

Additional Notes:

  • I’ve incorporated information and copy from the Kinokast homepage, emphasizing my focus on human-centered design and the complementary role of AI.
  • Here is a shortlist of key phrases that served the acronym creation
    “A-ADM”: Always-available design mentor….

    Keyword contextual phrases found by Brad’s Gemini Pro LLM:

    Trusted design partner, Reliable design sidekick, Indispensable design collaborator, Always-available design mentor
    Informal (but still professional):
    Design guru in your pocket, Your personal design brain trust, 24/7 design consultant, Design wingwoman (or wingman)
    Design muse on demand, Your personal creativity catalyst, AI-powered design sherpa, The ultimate design dream team (you + AI).

k i n o k a s t . o r g - © Jerome Bertrand | Prosper Jerominus | 1993-2024

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